Kingdom of Krey, Part Two

The Crescent Raiders seek neither rest nor peace, for they are made of the oak and steel from which they sail and have the storm coursing through their veins. Woe to those who transgress upon their domain, for the payment due is blood and agony.

When the nations of men fled the West by ship over a century ago, several vessels were lost to mutiny. These rogue ships united and headed south, seeking a more temperate clime. Low on supplies and fearing starvation, the small fleet finally found a large chain of islands formed like a crescent. They landed on the largest of these islands, which they named Krey.
    Among the first of these settlers was Baetjer IV, heir of Lusinia. Baetjer used his cunning and influence to seize control of the island and promptly began the foundation of a new kingdom. As an island nation, Baejter realized that his people's survival and prosperity depended on controlling the seas. So he decreed the construction of a capable navy to protect his interests. 
    Over the last century, four generations from the House of Baetjer have maintained rule, and the kingdom has flourished due in part to its maritime initiative. The people of Krey now occupy all five of the Crescent Isles, where they have successfully mined copper, silver, and iron. Moreover, they have established trade with Pohja and Kazdim, exporting goods such as iron ore, a rare commodity on the mainland of Lannithir. None of this could have been achieved without the presence of the Kreyn navy, which is among the most powerful in the new world.  
    The kingdom’s current ruler is King Alain FisBaetjer. Alain is an ambitious and cruel monarch who views the current events plaguing Lannithir as an opportunity for conquest. Like all Baetjer’s, Alain understands the importance of sea power and has supplemented his navy with a fleet of commissioned privateers. These independent captains have been issued a letter of marque from the king, authorizing them to engage and capture any ship sailing the sea; essentially, an act of war. Alain also realizes that a campaign of this magnitude will call for an increase in labor. Therefore he approved the acquisition, application, and trade of slaves. As a result, Alain’s privateers have added coastal raiding to their role in addition to outright warfare upon the open sea.
    The people of Krey are harsh and disciplined and arguably the finest sailors among the new kingdoms. Initially fair-skinned like their Lusinian ancestors, the Krey have become an amalgamation of the various peoples they have taken in. They possess a great love for the arts and culture, and their taste for decadence has no end. 

If you select the Kingdom of Krey as part of your background, you can speak, read, and write Lusinian. Additionally, you may choose one of Krey’s national bonuses. Be forewarned; selecting this background is done at your own peril.

Be sure to check back for future posts of Series One: Nations of Men.

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